Fall 2022 Book News: NEW RELEASE! And more…
Amazon links below! I need to work on getting a regular quarterly newsletter or something going because I realized it's been a loooong time since I sent a blog update!…
Amazon links below! I need to work on getting a regular quarterly newsletter or something going because I realized it's been a loooong time since I sent a blog update!…
The final episode of the FIRST SEASON. I'll return after I accomplish some other works.
If you're not on social media, I didn't mean to leave you out! I've written a FREE short fiction writing course called The Art of Shorts! It's geared toward homeschoolers,…
Do you want to read my Kindle Vella stories, but you can't/don't want to do Kindle Vella? I have to have them behind a paywall to stay on KV, so…
Patrons: Please let me know if you can view the attached file of Julie O'Malley Episode 1.