Elizabeth J. Smith

Author of Fiction with a Christian Worldview

Elizabeth J. Smith

In a Book, one always finds a Friend.

Reading has been a passion of mine ever since I was young. I spent hours every summer either at the library or reading some new story. Writing seemed like a natural progression. I wrote my first mystery short in seventh grade and have loved writing fiction ever since. In high school, my short story about diversity was chosen as one of three to represent my school in a scholarship contest. I also read that earlier mystery short to my senior English class, much to their amusement and mine.

I have a Bachelor's of Science in Animal Science from the University of Tennessee with a minor in Communication and Information. I've taken classes in both children's literature and writing for children-teens. I live in lovely Middle Tennessee with my family.

Whether or not my work directly talks about God, it is my goal to glorify Him in it. I strive to create fascinating worlds, interesting characters, and immersive storylines, all with clean language and romance and discretion when dealing with sensitive topics. It is truly amazing to get to share my work with you. Thank you for visiting with me!


What do I mean by Christian worldview?

As opposed to the conventional evolutionary worldview, I look at the world through the eyes of creation and the Bible. Some of my realistic fiction delves into the Bible, church, and moral issues, while others only have characters who are Christians and don't go much at all into such issues. In my fantasy fiction, I often choose to cast a higher power and deal with moral issues, but I don't create organized religions.

Why do I write with a Christian worldview, other than because I am a Christian?

I read a lot, and when I say a lot, I really mean it. I read so much that I'm running out of books at my local library and often request through ILL (inter-library loan). That said, I'm picky about what I read. In looking for books for myself, I've found it difficult to locate interesting stories that are clean or clean stories that are interesting to me. I write the way I do to create the very stories I wish I could find out in the world, and I enjoy sharing them.

Now, not all clean literature is explicitly Christian, and neither are all of the stories I write. However, I always make sure that I will never be embarrassed by what I've written when someone else reads it.

© 2022 Elizabeth J. Smith

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