Patrons $5 and up: Skye Tierney Episode 7
The final episode of the FIRST SEASON. I'll return after I accomplish some other works.
The final episode of the FIRST SEASON. I'll return after I accomplish some other works.
If you're not on social media, I didn't mean to leave you out! I've written a FREE short fiction writing course called The Art of Shorts! It's geared toward homeschoolers,…
Do you want to read my Kindle Vella stories, but you can't/don't want to do Kindle Vella? I have to have them behind a paywall to stay on KV, so…
Patrons: Please let me know if you can view the attached file of Julie O'Malley Episode 1.
Many of you have already received your copy, but if you haven't heard, the first book in my Maripi Moon series is NOW AVAILABLE! It's my first full-length novel, and…