While it doesn’t compare to holding my daughter for the first time, opening a box of freshly printed books with my name on them is pretty amazing! Many long hours, emails and texts with friends, and moments of frustration have culminated in one of the neatest experiences of my life. I feel so blessed by God to have been given the opportunity and means to publish my work, and I am humbled by the responsibility He has given me along with my talent. It is my goal to use my writing to influence as many people for Christ as I can in the way I best express myself. “I cannot make speeches,” as Mr. Knightly of Emma says. I am much better with pen and paper…or in this case, keyboard! Whether it is through a heartfelt historical romance, a gripping YA science fiction novel, or a gritty mystery, I want to encourage each of my readers to grow closer to Christ. In some of my work, this is more obvious, and in others, more subtle. That is why I have taken on this challenge. May God bless this work and all of you, my readers!
A slightly emotional Elizabeth